Investors often wonder whether the market will rise or fall based on who is elected president. The data show that capturing the long-term returns of the capital markets does not depend on which party controls the White House. In a recent webcast, Dimensional's Mark Gochnour and Jake DeKinder offered lessons from history. … [Read more...] about What History Tells Us About Elections and the Market
Kenneth French on What to Consider when Building a Portfolio
Prof. Kenneth French explains how he uses anticipated regret when deciding how to split his portfolio between stocks and bonds, and he shares two essential beliefs about the market that affect his allocation. … [Read more...] about Kenneth French on What to Consider when Building a Portfolio
Kenneth French on Building Confidence as an Investor
Prof. Kenneth French explains how he uses anticipated regret when deciding how to split his portfolio between stocks and bonds, and he shares two essential beliefs about the market that affect his allocation. … [Read more...] about Kenneth French on Building Confidence as an Investor
Kenneth French on How to Think About Investment Risk
Prof. Kenneth French explains that for most investors, the best definition of risk is uncertainty about lifetime consumption. He also offers helpful examples from investors' everyday lives to simplify complex ideas. … [Read more...] about Kenneth French on How to Think About Investment Risk
Kenneth French on the Difficulty of Timing the Market
Most people who try to time the market are just fooling themselves, says Prof. Kenneth French, explaining what it really takes to beat the market and why doing so is harder than many investors think. … [Read more...] about Kenneth French on the Difficulty of Timing the Market
From Dimensional: Do Mutual Funds Outperform Benchmarks?
Dimensional Fund Advisors's 2018 analysis of US-based mutual funds shows that only a small percentage of funds have outperformed industry benchmarks after costs—and among top-ranked funds based on past results, only a small percentage have repeated their past success. … [Read more...] about From Dimensional: Do Mutual Funds Outperform Benchmarks?